Schema registry and validation in your own cloud account.
Schemas are stored in your own cloud account and object storage buckets. Schemas never leave your cloud account.
WarpStream's Schema Registry Agents run as a stateless, single binary with all durability concerns offloaded to the cloud-native object store.
Everything happens in the WarpStream Agent. Enable auto-scaling to seamlessly handle changes in schema-related workloads and use Agent Groups to isolate and scale clusters independently.
Agents can read and write – no need to wait for leader election. No more ZooKeeper or backing topics.
Don’t just validate IDs, validate entire records. Prevent malformed data from being ingested and catch issues like missing fields and incorrect data types.
Validation works with any Kafka-compatible schema registry (like Confluent Schema Registry) as well as non-Kafka sources like AWS Glue.
Use a warning-only configuration property to identify records instead of rejecting them to assist with testing and monitoring during schema migration and validation. No need to leverage dead-letter queues or risk data loss.
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WarpStream supports schema evolution, allowing multiple schema versions to coexist. Users can specify compatibility rules to govern schema updates.
Any Kafka-compatible schema registries (like Confluent Schema Registry and WarpStream BYOC Schema Registry) and AWS Glue.